Luxury Outdoor Facilities Kruger Park

Want to Know More About the Luxury Outdoor Facilities in the Kruger Park?

If you are planning a trip to the Kruger National Park in South Africa, you will probably be quite curious about the types of luxury outdoor facilities in the reserve. The fact is that in order to enjoy luxury facilities, you have to book into the luxury lodges in the Kruger Park. While there are a number of rest camps that offer accommodation, shops, eateries, and activities, the more luxurious experiences happen at the 5-star lodges in the area.

In the Kruger National Park, there are areas that have been set aside as private concessions. These areas are typically about 15 000 hectares in size and include safari lodges that are privately owned. These lodges offer luxurious accommodation and outdoor facilities in the Kruger Park. A private concession is privately owned, and therefore closed to the general public. This means that there is no mainstream traffic and that the animals in these areas are relatively undisturbed. The large amount of game in these areas provides the luxury lodges with opportunities that the general public might not have access to.

Depending on which lodge you stay in, you will have different outdoor activities to choose from. It is mainly up to the guests to dictate the activities and the facilities they need during their stay at these 5-star lodges. Some of the lodges, such as Lukimbi Safari Lodge, are also family friendly. Outdoor facilities will usually include a central swimming pool, a viewing deck, and large trucks for game drives.

When it comes to accommodation, there are also other types of luxury outdoor facilities to enjoy in these private lodges in the Kruger National Park. At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we provide our guests with the opportunity to have their own outdoor showers and private lookout decks from where they can observe the game passing by and drinking water at the riverbed below. The more luxurious suites also have their own private swimming. These are particularly popular with honeymoon couples because they are so private and romantic.

If you want to know more about the luxury outdoor facilities available at Lukimbi Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park, give our friendly team a call as soon as possible and book your stay with us. We look forward to welcoming you to our lodge and ensuring that you have an unforgettable stay with us.

Prepare For a Wildlife Safari

How to Prepare for a Wildlife Safari in the Kruger National Park

If you are planning a safari in Africa and you have never been on a safari before, you are in for a most fantastic adventure. The Kruger National Park is one of the most comfortable places to visit for a safari – not only because this game reserve is relatively close to civilisation, but also because there are rest camps and facilities within the reserve that help to keep things comfortable and easy to manage.

Here we provide you with some tips on how to prepare for a wildlife safari in the Kruger National Park:

  1. Book early: Because the Kruger National Park is one of the most popular safari parks in the world, it is essential that you book your accommodation early enough. While there are many rest camps with a wide range of different types of accommodation available, it is the ultimate experience to stay at one of the exclusive safari lodges in the park. Lukimbi Safari Lodge is one of the best safari lodges in the reserve and is conveniently located close to the gate of the Kruger National Park.
  • Bring appropriate clothing: Keep the time of year in mind and prepare for your wildlife safari by bringing the most suitable clothing. While the winters in this area are usually mild and sunny during the day, the evenings, nights, and early mornings can be pretty frosty. Bring layers of clothing that you can put on and take off as the temperature changes. If you go on an early morning game drive, you may need gloves and thick fleeces, but by lunchtime, you will probably only need a light T-shirt in the sunshine. In the summer, this area is very hot and there are some magnificent thunderstorms. Bring light clothing and a long-sleeved top or two just in case. Overall, however, it will be hot.
  • Malaria medication: Most people prepare for a wildlife safari by taking malaria prophylactics. While these are indeed needed in some areas of the Kruger National park, it helps to find out where exactly you are going and whether malaria prevention is necessary or not. It is also not necessary to take these in the winter.
  • Mosquito repellent: You can prepare for a wildlife safari by investing in a good mosquito and insect repellent. If you stay at Lukimbi Safari Lodge, you will have the soft drapes of a gauzy mosquito net to protect you during the night, but during early evenings outside or on your private deck, you may need some insect repellent.

There are many other things you can do to prepare for a wildlife safari in the Kruger National park, but if you book your stay at Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we will provide all the information you need to be prepared when you arrive. Give us a call to book your accommodation with us today.

What Makes a Luxury Game Lodge?

What Makes a Luxury Game Lodge Different from Other Lodges?

Accommodation is accommodation, right? Actually, no! There are many different types of accommodation and one of the best and most desirable of these is a luxury game lodge. But, what makes a luxury game lodge so different from other types of accommodation?

  • Luxury: The clue is in the word “luxury”. The luxury game lodges in Africa are all focused on providing their guests with the ultimate in luxury. This means that everything in the lodge – from the seating and layout, to the décor, services, cuisine, privacy, and staff members – is all geared towards ensuring that the guest has the most luxurious experience possible. Compromising on the luxury of guests is just not an option.  As a result, visiting a luxury game lodge is an experience that is simply unforgettable.
  • Location: Another thing that makes a luxury game lodge is its location. In South Africa, you will find many game lodges, but not all are necessarily luxury game lodges. Some of the most luxurious game lodges are in the Kruger National Park. The location of these lodges provides guests with the most incredible opportunities to experience Africa at its best. Guests can expect to experience the romance of an African sunset, the smell of the rain in the bush, the sound of lions roaring at night, and the taste of exquisite dishes prepared by well-trained, creative chefs. Africa has its own charm that cannot be compared to anywhere else, so visiting one of these luxury game lodges is simply unforgettable.
  • Activities and excursions: Most luxury game lodges go all out to ensure that their guests have exclusive experiences. These experiences often include private game drives, picnics in the bush, guided hikes with trackers, swimming in a crystal clear private pool on your own private deck overlooking a watering hole, and many other exciting things.
  • All-inclusive packages: Most luxury game lodges will work on an all-inclusive basis, which means that there is very little to pay extra for. When you book a package with Lukimbi Safari Lodge, the food, accommodation, most activities, and even some spa treatments are thrown into the deal. This means that all you have to do is enjoy the plush surroundings of this luxury game lodge!

If you want to know more about what makes a luxury game lodge different from other accommodation establishments, all you have to do is book a stay at Lukimbi Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park. Check out our package deals online and give us a call to make your reservation.

Luxury African Wildlife Safari

Where to Experience a Luxury African Wildlife Safari

Have you always wanted to visit Africa to go on a luxury African wildlife safari? If yes, you will need to find out more about where to experience such a safari. There are many places you can go – Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa are all very popular safari destinations. If you like to be out in the bush with no civilisation nearby, Kenya and Tanzania should be good. But, if you are wondering where to experience a luxury African wildlife safari in a location that is still not too far removed from civilisation and amenities, we have the answer!

The Kruger National Park is one of the most popular game reserves in the world. There are many reasons for this, such as the dense concentration of African wildlife, great weather all year round, and of course, the luxury safari lodges in the reserve where guests are pampered in five-star surroundings. Lukimbi Safari Lodge is one of these sought-after establishments. Our lodge is built on a private concession in the Kruger National Park. When you visit our lodge, you will find incomparable comfort, indulgence, superb cuisine, wonderful excursions, fascinating game drives, and the most sumptuous accommodation.

All our suites are built with privacy in mind. Crisp linen covers the magnificent beds and the bathrooms are large and spacious. All the suites have their own outdoor showers and a lookout deck from where animals can be observed. Some of our suites even have their own swimming pools and separate lounges and bedrooms.

So, if you are wondering where to experience a luxury African safari, look no further than Lukimbi Safari Lodge. Browse through our website or call us to find out more about the wonderful packages we offer. We look forward to welcoming you.

Luxury Game Lodge

Enjoy the Ultimate Honeymoon – Book into Our Luxury Game Lodge in the Kruger National Park!

Your honeymoon is probably one of the most important getaways or holidays you will have in your life, so why not make it totally spectacular? While there are many romantic spots around the world, like tropical beaches and mountain cabins, there are few things that are as romantic as staying at a luxury game lodge in Africa. Most luxury game lodges in places like Kenya and Tanzania tend to be tucked away from any civilisation, but it can be a little intimidating not to have any modern facilities or amenities nearby. If, however, you choose to stay at a luxury game lodge in the Kruger National Park, you will still be able to enjoy the same exclusivity and sense of remoteness, but you will still be close to modern facilities and nearby towns that can provide you with everything you need.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we specialise in providing exclusive accommodation for honeymooners and visitors from all over the world. The Kruger National Park is one of the most highly sought-after game reserves in the world. Visiting this area will enable you to encounter the Big 5 during regular game drives, and the romance of the African sunsets is hard to beat!

Our honeymooners generally choose to stay in one of our exclusive suites. These suites are spacious, light, and romantic. Each suite has its own private balcony overlooking the bush and watering holes below, a large bath, an outdoor shower, and all the other luxuries one would expect from a 5-star luxury game lodge. Our honeymooners are particularly fond of our premier suites which are well appointed for the ultimate privacy. These suites also have their own private swimming pools and decks, and just exude romance with plush bedding, high ceilings, and stone baths. At our luxury game lodge, we do everything in our power to ensure that you have the most romantic getaway possible. We also provide all honeymooners with a complimentary bottle of bubbly, and you will love the romantic dinners for two in the privacy of a variety of beautiful mystery venues!

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we have won various awards for our outstanding establishment. Our customer service is excellent, our accommodation luxurious and romantic, and we even offer spa services that will make you feel brand new and relaxed. So, if you are planning to go on honeymoon to a luxury game lodge, give our welcoming team a call to make your booking.

Find Luxurious Game Lodge Accommodation in the Kruger National Park

A visit to the Kruger National Park is something few visitors will ever forget. The natural environment, the impressive animals and birds, the variety of wildlife, and the sheer experience of being in Africa – these are all things that stick in the mind long after visitors have left to return home. One of the most unmissable things about the Kruger National Park, however, is the luxury lodges that provide accommodation in the Kruger Park. These lodges are exclusive and beautiful, and go all out to ensure that their guests enjoy plush surroundings, superb comfort, and pampering that will be hard to find anywhere else.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we provide game lodge accommodation in the Kruger National Park for guests from all over the world every year. We are just a convenient drive from one of the main gates, and our establishment specialises in providing visitors with an unforgettable experience. Our suites are luxurious, spacious, and romantic. Every suite has its own outdoor shower, private deck overlooking the bush below, and high ceilings. Here you can fall into a plush bed with high-quality linen at the end of a hot day and sleep close to nature.

Our premier suites are particularly popular with honeymooners because they have large lounges for relaxing, private swimming pools, and large stone baths with great views. All our suites are appointed for maximum privacy and are tastefully decorated to provide the most exquisite game lodge accommodation in the Kruger Park. We also have a gym and an outdoor pool where elephants often come to drink water while guests are swimming.

We cater very well for families – our kiddies pool with its waterfall is always a hit, and we offer babysitting services and a children’s programme that will keep your kids occupied the whole day while you relax.

If you are looking for luxurious, family-friendly game lodge accommodation in the Kruger National Park, contact our team today.

Luxury Safari Lodge Specials for Christmas

Find Luxury Safari Lodge Specials for Christmas

It is now dangerously close to Christmas and most people are starting to make plans about where to spend their time over the holiday and festive season. One of the most entertaining and enthralling experiences is still to spend time in Africa to encounter local wildlife and to experience the African bush, romantic sunsets, and outstanding hospitality and cuisine. Visiting the Kruger Park for the luxury safari lodge specials on offer can provide you with an unforgettable experience that may not produce snow, but will result in one of the most memorable Christmases ever.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we prepare ourselves every year to offer some of the best luxury safari lodge specials. We go all out to ensure that our guests get extra value for their money. Our luxury lodge and wonderful accommodation contribute to the whole experience in a most wonderful way. We have a variety of suites, but all of them have their own outdoor showers and private viewing decks, and are situated well for privacy.

From here, our guests can enjoy the indoors and the outdoors equally – the view from every suite is something to behold! Overlooking the river and the bush below, it is possible to spot wild animals from the luxury of your bed while enjoying breakfast. Our luxury suites also have private swimming pools that allow for great cooling-off sessions after a hot day busy game viewing. Here, guests can relax and sip on a cocktail while spotting wildlife below. It just doesn’t get better than that!

Our lodge and suites are specifically designed with luxury in mind, and our local and overseas guests love to visit us every chance they get. Because we make a real effort to provide luxury safari lodge specials, we are usually quite busy this time of year.

If you want to spend your holidays at one of the most wonderful places on earth, you simply have to enquire about our luxury safari lodge specials over the Christmas period. We will ensure that you have a Christmas that you will never forget. With our extraordinary location, our exceptional hospitality team, and the sheer luxury that you can enjoy while you stay with us, there is simply no comparison. Give our team a call today to find out more about our specials and promotions on offer. We look forward to your visit.

5 Star Safari Game Lodges

Why the Luxury of 5-Star Safari Game Lodges in the Kruger National Park is Unbeatable

It is a dream of most people to experience the African wild – safari style. It is not just about the animals, birds, and plants they will encounter during this experience, but also about enjoying the spectacle of African sunsets, the romantic evenings and early mornings, and the most extraordinary cuisine provided at 5-star safari game lodges in South Africa.

The bush is a wild place, so being in a position to observe wild and dangerous animals from a safe and comfortable distance is something that everyone enjoys. African lodges, especially, are well equipped and provide that movie-like ambience that people long for when they watch movies such as “White Mischief” and “Out of Africa”. The gossamer drapes of mosquito nets, the birdsong at sunrise, the old-fashioned hospitality, and the utter luxury of outstanding catering are all the things that make luxury 5-star safari game lodges in Africa so popular. There is simply nothing that can compare in the same way!

If you are one of the people who long for an unforgettable getaway that will indulge all your senses, or you are looking for the most romantic place for a honeymoon stay, you should be looking at 5-star safari game lodges around the Kruger National Park. While lodges in countries like Kenya and Tanzania are popular, they are sometimes situated in places that are extremely remote and require long travel times in uncomfortable transport, such as small aeroplanes and 4×4 vehicles. The Kruger National Park in South Africa is different because it is situated in such a way to enable you to experience the wild African vibe, but still be in relatively close proximity to all modern conveniences. It is a mixed bag of delights – while you can sit in a bird hatch at sunrise to observe all the birds in their natural environment, hear a lion roar at sunset, and even enjoy the laughter of hyenas and the chatter of monkeys during the day, you are still within an hour’s drive of a major airport, posh restaurants, shopping centres, and golf courses.

If you want to spend some unforgettable time in a place that will remain with you forever, spend some time at Lukimbi Safari Lodge, which is one of the 5-star safari game lodges in the Kruger National Park. Just browse our website or give our team a call to book your suite today.

Luxury Safari Lodges South Africa

Why You Should Stay at Luxury Safari Lodges in South Africa

Most people would love to experience the African wild in its natural state, and even though there are many different lodges in countries like Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Botswana, one of the best experiences is still to visit the Kruger National Park. This spectacular piece of land was set aside to preserve wildlife, birds, and plants in their natural environments, and it receives hundreds of thousands of visitors every year from overseas countries and South Africa.

Most of the luxury safari lodges in other countries tend to be very isolated and far away from any kind of town, services, or conveniences, such as shops, but the Kruger National Park is located near Mbombela (formerly Nelspruit) and other smaller towns where people can purchase and enjoy all the conveniences that might be difficult to find in other, more remote African wildlife lodges. Even within the Kruger National Park, there are many different rest camps where people can stay overnight or book a holiday, and most of these rest camps have shops, restaurants, and swimming pools for customers to enjoy.

While the rest camps in the Kruger National Park are great, you will also find some of the best luxury safari lodges in South Africa within the private concessions in the reserve. These luxury lodges are privately owned and the owners or managers of these luxury lodges are usually able to provide activities that cannot regularly be organised in the rest of the game reserve.

Lukimbi Safari Lodge is one of the best-known luxury safari lodges in South Africa. Our lodge is located within easy reach of one of the main gates of the Kruger National Park. We cater specifically to discerning guests who like their privacy, but would also like to fully immerse themselves in the African experience. Our clients’ comfort is of the utmost importance, so we go the extra mile to ensure that we always exceed expectations.

The accommodation we provide at Lukimbi Safari Lodge is some of the best when it comes to luxury safari lodges in South Africa. We have several exclusive suites where guests can relax and enjoy their experience. All our suites are very spacious and have their own private decks that overlook the river and bush below. They also have outdoor showers, large bathrooms, great views, mosquito nets, air conditioning, and many other luxuries that one would expect from a five-star lodge. Two of our magnificent suites even have their own private swimming pools where guests like to cool down after a hot day in Africa.

As one of the most popular luxury safari lodges in South Africa, our establishment is extremely attractive and comfortable. We have large decks overlooking the watering hole, and our guests love the food, the romance, and the ambience at our luxury safari lodge in the Kruger National Park.

If you have always dreamt of staying in a luxurious safari lodge in South Africa, give our team at Lukimbi Safari Lodge a call today.





Accommodation Near Kruger National Park

Are You Looking for Luxury Accommodation Near the Kruger National Park?

The Kruger National Park is one of the most popular holiday destinations in South Africa. Established in 1926 by Paul Kruger, this piece of land was especially set aside to preserve nature and wildlife for future generations. Today, it is still one of the most well-managed and best-known game reserves in the world, and people from all over the world come to South Africa to visit every year.

Sometimes, it can be a challenge to find outstanding accommodation near the Kruger National Park, but people generally prefer to remain inside the park. There are many different rest camps in the reserve that provide different types of accommodation, but for those who truly love a bit of luxury and would like their visit to the Kruger National Park to be something truly special and unforgettable, a visit to Lukimbi Safari Lodge is a must! Forget about accommodation near the Kruger National Park – rather stay IN the Kruger National Park!

Lukimbi Safari Lodge is a short drive away from one of the main gates into the reserve. Our buildings are designed to blend in with the natural environment and to be as unobtrusive as possible from the outside, but once you step into our wonderful interior, you will truly get that luxurious African feel. Guests cannot get enough of the splendid views from our decks overlooking the river and the bush, and sitting here and checking out the spectacle of the wildlife below is an experience nobody ever forgets!

In addition to our wonderful timber interior and tasteful décor, we also provide our guests with the best when it comes to food and drink. Our chefs create the most wonderful dishes with Afro-European influences, and the ingredients are locally sourced and always fresh.

In addition to the obvious luxury of the interior and cuisine, our suites provide outstanding accommodation when compared to most accommodation options near the Kruger National Park. All our suites are very spacious and provide great views. Our guests can rest easily under the mosquito net that will keep them safe from interruption during the night. All our suites also have private decks and outdoor showers.

If you are looking for accommodation near the Kruger National Park, you should strongly consider Lukimbi Safari Lodge. Contact us today to find out more about our establishment and make your booking.