Game Lodges Mpumalanga

Lukimbi Safari Lodge: One of the Most Luxurious Game Lodges in Mpumalanga

Mpumalanga is one of the most beautiful provinces in South Africa. The mountains, the gushing rivers, old little towns, spectacular landscapes, and various game reserves make up a large part of this area. One of the most famous attractions in this province is the Kruger National Park, as every year people flock to this very desirable location to enjoy a visit to the park or one of the many game parks around the Kruger National Park. As a result, game lodges in Mpumalanga are very popular, and often it is difficult to decide which one to choose for your special safari. Where you stay will largely depend on your needs, but if luxury, privacy, romance, and spectacular views are what you have in mind, you should consider Lukimbi Safari Lodge.

Lukimbi Safari Lodge has a reputation as one of the most sought-after game lodges in Mpumalanga. Our lodge is an easy drive from one of the main gates of the Kruger National Park. When you check into our lodge, you will find hospitality and luxury that is hard to beat. Our lodge is not only very beautiful, but the atmosphere and views from here are hard to beat anywhere else in the Kruger National Park. We have a large lookout deck overlooking the watering hole below, and here you can relax with a refreshing beverage while you marvel at the African wildlife.

Our suites are luxurious beyond belief. All our suites are large and spacious, have their own private viewing decks, and are geared towards privacy. Our two main suites even have their own private swimming pools and outdoor showers.

If you are looking for one of the most romantic game lodges in Mpumalanga, browse our website or give our team a call to book your stay with us.

Kruger National Park Lodges

Why Lukimbi Safari Lodge Is One of the Best Kruger National Park Lodges

There is no debating the fact that the Kruger National Park is one of the most prominent locations for international tourists and local adventurers to visit. It is something really special to experience African wildlife in its natural habitat, and the indigenous fauna and flora are something to behold. On top of this, there is a wide array of birdlife. It is no wonder that the Kruger National Park lodges are simply packed with people who are keen to experience these wonders of the world.

While there are many different accommodation options in the Kruger National Park, the privately owned lodges are the best places to stay. Because they are built on private concessions, they tend to provide benefits that other Kruger Park accommodation does not. For instance, the activities they offer are different. On these private concessions, you can take part in a wildlife hike with trained trackers and guides. These excursions are very thrilling because the guides are extremely well informed about the local wildlife and can impart a wealth of knowledge on these hikes.

On top of that, the private Kruger National Park lodges usually include game drives on a daily basis, and because the guides and trackers have radio contact with each other, they can usually guide the game drives to the most impressive encounters and views, such as a fresh kill, some newborn pups or cubs, and other amazing sights that one would not normally experience while driving through the Kruger National Park on your own.

We are one of the most popular privately owned Kruger National Park lodges. Our packages include everything you will need while on safari, so if you need a truly exceptional experience, our lodge is the best place to be. Your delectable food, game drives, the luxury of our pristine swimming pools, viewing decks, and unbelievably luxurious accommodation are all included in the specialised packages we offer, so whether you are a family looking for a wonderful excursion, or an international guest looking for an unforgettable and luxurious safari experience in one of the privately owned lodges, we can provide exactly what you need.

If you want to relax in a well-appointed suite with its own deck and private swimming pool, delectable cuisine, and mind blowing sights over a watering hole and river, you should contact our team at Lukimbi Safari Lodge. We can provide you with some of the best services and opportunities that all the privately owned Kruger National Park lodges have to offer!

What to Expect to See on a Safari

What to Expect to See on a Safari When You Go to the Kruger National Park

It is no secret that the Kruger National Park is one of the best places to be when you are looking to experience African wildlife. While there are many other lodges located around neighbouring countries such as Zimbabwe and Botswana, the Kruger National Park still remains one of the most popular spots to encounter the Big Five and a wide variety of indigenous flora and fauna.

The Big Five is a term for the most elusive species to encounter during a safari, and includes the Cape buffalo, leopard, lion, rhino, and elephant. The idea is to find all of these in one safari trip, and if you are wondering what to expect to see on a safari in the Kruger National Park, the Big Five should be at the top of your list!

The Kruger National Park is one of the biggest game conservation areas in Africa. This means that the natural environment is left undisturbed by human intervention, and that nobody is allowed to hunt or in any way alter the populations within the game reserve. The main purpose of the Kruger National Park is to conserve the natural habitat of the indigenous species, and to leave them to breed and hunt within the world that is meant for them.

People who enter the Kruger National Park often ask themselves what to expect to see on a safari, and the answer is really hard to determine. It really depends on the time of year and what you are interested in. If you are interested in plants, the indigenous flora will thrill you – there are many species here that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. If you like birds, you will be equally delighted, as there are over 500 species of birds that reside in this reserve. If your interest centres on mammals or reptiles, there is also a lot to experience. Here, you will find everything from the biggest mammals to the smallest birds in the world!

In the Kruger National Park, there are a lot of accommodation options that range according to budget and specific personal needs. It is, however, an experience of a lifetime to engage with one of the private lodges on the private concessions set aside for exclusive guests. These lodges are privately owned and provide luxury that cannot be found anywhere else in the game reserve.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we specialise in providing our guests with experiences that will thrill them for a lifetime. Because our lodge is built on one of the private concessions within the Kruger National Park, we have some private property that nobody else is allowed to enter. This means that we are able to provide our guests with off-road game viewing and utterly decadent experiences that they won’t find anywhere else.

If you are wondering what to expect to see on a safari in the Kruger National Park, the best thing you can do is to contact our team at Lukimbi Safari Lodge to take advantage of the fantastic packages we have available for our guests. Give us a call today.

Safety at Game Lodges

Do You Have Questions About the Safety at Game Lodges? We Provide the Answers!


People often wonder about the safety at game loges in South Africa. Unfortunately, this country is not known for low crime rates, but even without the relevant crime within the country, people often wonder about the safety with wild animals at game lodges.

Let us put your mind at ease. Within the environment of the Kruger National Park, there are strict rules and high levels of vigilance, and game guides are at work around the clock. This not only ensures the safety at our game loges, but also takes care of the safety of the animals that live inside the Kruger National Park. The safety of our guests and the safety of our animals are almost at a par, and as a result, we put a lot of measures in place to ensure that safety is our first priority.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we conduct game hikes and excursions within our private reserve. All our game drives are conducted in a vehicle that provides the best visibility and the most careful approach to any kind of African wildlife. Our guides are highly experienced, trained, qualified, and able to take care of our guests, and will not, under any circumstances, put our guests in a situation that is potentially threatening. Even during bush walks, our guides carry weapons and can track animals, and therefore are experienced at steering the walk away from any type of risky situation. Safety at game lodges is at the top of the list when it comes to the hosting of guests at any game reserve. Even open-topped game drives are very safe as long as guests stick to the rules.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we ensure that we can bring our guests as close to the African wildlife as possible without putting them in some kind of dangerous situation. This is why we have decks way above and overlooking the watering points for the animals. From here, our guests are perfectly positioned to take in the wildness of Africa. Most of our suites include private decks within the tree tops from where our guests can observe and experience really extraordinary animal or bird behaviour from a safe distance.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we can assure you that safety at game lodges is the top of the priority list at all times. If you are looking for a safe, yet entertaining and unforgettable experience, give our team a call today.

Prepare for Your African Safari

How to Prepare for Your African Safari in the Kruger National Park


If you are planning an African safari, you may have a lot of questions about how to prepare for it. One of the main things to consider is where you are being accommodated, as well as your surrounding environment. Here are some of the things you need to think about in order to prepare of your African safari.

  • Sunshine: Africa can be hot. Not just mildly hot, but seriously HOT! This is why if you choose to visit Africa during the summer months, you have to invest in some great sun creams. Sometimes, people are allergic to perfumed sun creams, but modern technology has allowed us to find solutions to this, so there are many different sun creams and sprays on the market that will allow great protection against the hot African sun.
  • Mosquitoes: Depending on where you are planning to go, having access to mosquito repellents is simply crucial. In some areas of Africa, you have to prepare for your safari by stocking up on malaria prophylactics, and in other areas, you won’t need malaria protection at all, it really depends on where you are going. Sometimes, a mobile mosquito net is essential (in addition to medication), in order to prevent the irritation of being “bugged” by mosquitoes, but in most luxury lodges in South Africa, such as Lukimbi Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park, you will find that air-conditioned suites will already provide high-quality mosquito nets to ensure the safety and comfort of their guests.
  • Other bugs: Bug spray is often quite useful. There are a lot of midges, flies, and other insects that love the smell of humans. Prepare for your African safari by spraying yourself with mosquito or bug repellent, or even burning citronella candles in your environment to keep these bugs away and ensure that you are not bitten or irritated by these insects.


One of the best ways to prepare for your African safari is to book your stay at one of the luxury lodges within the private concessions in the Kruger National Park. These lodges are prepared for any kind of African scenario and won’t let you down.

To find out more about how we can help you to prepare for your African safari, give our team at Lukimbi Safari Lodge a call today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Accommodation for Luxury Safaris

Where to Find Accommodation for Luxury Safaris in the Kruger National Park


An excursion with your family to the Kruger National Park is at the top of the bucket lists of many people. Not only is it possible to encounter the Big Five within a couple of days, but it also offers accommodation for luxury safaris and all kinds of activities that will keep the whole family entertained and enthralled. There is something really romantic about accommodation at luxury safari lodges, and some of the best ones are located within the private concessions in the Kruger National Park. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit this amazing game reserve to experience the animals, the birds, and the indigenous flora that flourish in this game reserve.

As one of the largest game reserves in Africa, the Kruger National Park offers many different types of accommodation. These vary from budget accommodation in tents to accommodation for luxury safaris throughout the park. One of the best places to visit in this reserve is Lukimbi Safari Lodge. Because we are situated on one of the highly desirable private properties in the park, we are in high demand.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, you can experience a lot more than just accommodation for luxury safaris. We provide a wide array of activities, which includes daily game drives in vehicles that are specially adapted to provide high visibility and guided hikes throughout the wild environment.

Our suites are all geared towards the ultimate accommodation in luxury. This means that your suite will have its own private balcony, some with their own swimming pools, outdoor showers, air conditioning, mosquito nets, and an environment that is highly conducive to the ultimate in relaxation.

If you are looking for the ultimate accommodation for luxury safaris, come to Lukimbi Safari Lodge. We are poised and prepared to provide you with one of the most exceptional experiences you can encounter.

Big 5 Game Safaris

The Kruger National Park: The Best Big 5 Game Safaris and Accommodation in South Africa


If you are planning an African safari, one of the terms you will regularly come across is the “Big Five”. This term comes from a long time ago when people were thrilled to encounter the five most elusive animals in the African wild. Big 5 game safaris were initially popular with hunters who considered these the most difficult animals to hunt, and sadly, a lot of them still are hunted. But, for those who don’t intend to shoot with anything more harmful than a good camera, going on Big 5 game safaris can be one of the biggest thrills in the world. Spotting these highly elusive animals is truly special, especially if you are in a position to observe them for a while.

The Big 5 include the very elusive leopard, the rhino (both black and white), the aggressive Cape buffalo, the African elephant, and the roaring African lion. One of the best concentrations of all these species is the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga. This is one of the largest game reserves in South Africa and still retains the environment and animals that were found here 500 years ago. Here you can find high concentrations of these highly exquisite animals when you book a big 5 game safari in the Kruger National Park, and you are sure to see at least a few of them during a week-long stay – maybe even all of them!

The next question is usually where to stay. There are various rest camps throughout the Kruger National Park that are fenced in, and these camps provide a wide range of accommodation and safety for the people who choose to stay here overnight. It is illegal to remain in the reserve during the night, so safe and acceptable accommodation on after your Big 5 game safaris are a must.

While there are many different types of accommodation to choose from, the best remains the five-star luxury safari camps that are located on private concessions within the game reserve. Lukimbi Safari Lodge is one of the most desirable destinations, and here you will experience all the luxury you can expect from a truly organised 5-star safari camp.

If you are keen to experience some extraordinary big 5 game safaris, Lukimbi Safari Lodge is the place to be! Give us a call today to find out more about our packages and how we can make your experience unforgettable.



Child-Friendly Safaris

Are You Looking for Child-Friendly Safaris in the Kruger National Park?

One of the best things to experience with your children is something new and out of the ordinary. Spotting wildlife and learning more about the local fauna and flora in a fun way is one of the best gifts you can give your children. People are sometimes nervous about taking their children along on safaris, but at Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we have perfected the art of entertaining everyone and keeping every person safe at the same time. Here you can enjoy guided hikes in the bush with an experienced tracker and guide, and learn more about the various plants, birds, and animals that live in the Kruger National Park.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we pride ourselves on our child-friendly safaris. We know that parents sometimes need a break, and for this reason, we offer activities for children that will fascinate and stimulate them while their parents relax in the spa, or perhaps even just with a good book outside on the pool deck. Our menus are child friendly, our premises are secure, and because we are all about family experiences, we ensure that your family have the time of their lives on our child-friendly safaris.

Our accommodation is geared towards romance and space – our larger suites even include a private pool on the balcony. We know that there is nothing that keeps children entertained as much as a swimming pool, and if you choose one of our spacious premier family suites your children will no doubt stay entertained for hours in the pool.

In addition to hikes, luxury accommodation, and superb cuisine, we also conduct regular game drives in our specially designed vehicle that is built to elevate the passengers to create better visibility of the surrounding bush. This means that it is easier to spot game, and very well informed guides and trackers will be able to provide valuable information about whatever is encountered along the way. We go all out to ensure that both adults and children remain safe and happy during their stay at our private and exclusive game lodge, and we enjoy it when people choose us for their child-friendly safaris.

If you are curious about child-friendly safaris and what these would entail, give our experts at Lukimbi Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park a call. We would be happy to provide you with a package that will suit your needs.

Best Safaris for Birdlife

Are You Looking for the Best Safaris for Birdlife in the Kruger National Park?

People usually visit the Kruger National Park to see the Big Five, but a lot of people tend to forget that this is also a paradise for birding enthusiasts. Here you will find an incredible diversity in the different species that can be encountered by birdwatchers during different times of year. Between October and March is usually when migratory birds arrive from far-flung places to breed and raise their young in a warmer climate. They come from as far as the northern parts of America and even Canada, and from a wide variety of locations in Europe.

The favourites of most keen birdwatchers, and even for those who are not particular interested in birds, are usually the birds of prey. Here you can find martial eagles, African hawks, and the amazing African fish eagle with its distinctive call. There is nothing more romantic than relaxing with a sundowner in a cool spot and listening to the wonderful call of the African fish eagle! There are also African hornbills, starlings, shrikes, and bee-eaters, and many other rare species that can only be encountered on one of the best safaris for birdlife in the Kruger National Park. There are more than five hundred species to be spotted in this game reserve, which offers a rich and exciting selection for any bird enthusiast.

The watering holes and riverbanks provide the ideal spots for birds to drink and to bathe, and if you choose a lodge positioned well for bird watching, you don’t even have to venture out into the wild to see a wide variety. Other pleasures include an assortment of mammals and rare indigenous species of plants, and if you are a keen hiker, you can join a guide and tracker on a walk through the private sections of the game reserve.

Lukimbi Safari Lodge is one of the favourite accommodation establishments in the Kruger National Park amongst bird lovers. The lodge is situated on a private concession within the park, and built in a way that maximises the views over the river, watering holes, and the veld. All our suites have their own private balconies that are positioned for the ultimate in privacy. From here, bird spotters can sit with their binoculars and cameras and spot rare birds in the vicinity. Because Lukimbi Safari Lodge overlooks watering holes, there are many different species to be spotted here. We provide one of the best safaris for birdlife in the Kruger National Park.

If you are interested in some of the best safaris for birdlife in South Africa, book your accommodation at Lukimbi Safari Lodge today.

Safari Bushwalks Kruger Park

Are You Interested in Doing Safari Bushwalks in the Kruger National Park?

There are many reasons why people visit the Kruger National Park every year. Some people travel thousands of kilometres to experience the wildlife, atmosphere, birds, and indigenous flora, but the biggest attraction will always remain the Big Five. These are said to be the most elusive animals in the Kruger National Park, and spotting all of them in one visit is special indeed! For birdwatchers, the park is a paradise because there are around 500 different species of birds here, some of which can only be encountered in this game reserve.

Others choose to experience a little more action during their visits by enjoying safari bushwalks in the Kruger Park. This means that they can come up close to a variety animals, and they are kept safe by trackers and guides who are experienced when it comes to safari bushwalks. In a lot of places within the park, it is illegal to walk, but if you choose one of the lodges, such as Lukimbi Safari Lodge, you will be able to enter the park on foot and experience safari bush walks in the Kruger Park.

At Lukimbi Safari Lodge, we ensure that we provide the best for our guests. This includes utterly luxurious accommodation in suites with their own balconies, large baths, and even private swimming pools on some of the premier suite decks. We also ensure that our guests are never bored. Our activities include safari bush walks in the Kruger Park with a guide and a tracker who are extremely knowledgeable about the animals, plants, and birds in the game reserve.

If you are keen on experiencing the extraordinary, book into our lodge for the ultimate comfort and luxury, and enjoy one of our safari bush walks in the Kruger Park.